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Your data is private. Please fill all fields. Thank you.

Mice to meet you, please share your opinion on the following: *
MICE* events will re-occur after the war faster compared to mass leisure tourism
Most of our planned foreign MICE events that have been canceled for Q4 of 2023 or Q1 of 2024, are now planned to take place later in 2024
Most of our planned foreign MICE events that have been canceled for Q4 of 2023 or Q1 of 2024 are planned to take place in 2025
Most of our planned foreign MICE events that have been canceled for Q4 of 2023 or Q1 of 2024, will probably be re-organized in Israel
Most of our planned foreign MICE events that have been canceled for Q4 of 2023 or Q1 of 2024, will probably be re-organized in another destination but not Israel
Some of our planned MICE events for 2023 or 2024 will take place in Virtual or Hybrid alternatives
Please mark some of the destinations that you assume to be popular for MICE events for Israelis in 2024 (*Extremely unpopular ***No expected change compared to 2023 *****Highly popular)
Greece / Cyprus
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Italy / Spain / Portugal
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Germany / France / UK
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Austria / Switzerland
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Hungary / Poland / Romania / Czech Republic
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Abu Dhabi
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
India / Sri Lanka
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Seychelles / Mauritius
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
Extremely unpopularFairNo expected change compared to 2023Above AverageHighly popular
If Turkey will be regarded as irrelevant for MICE events in 2024, which destination will probably be regarded as the most preferred alternative. Please choose only one
What will be the main consideration for 2024 when picking the MICE destination? ( *No importance ***No change compared to 2023 *****Crucial)
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
Flexibility in terms and conditions
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
Safety measures
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
Feeling of Israelis being welcomed and appreciated guests
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
Variety and quality of shows and concerts
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
Soft adventure and sportive activities
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
No importanceFairNo change compared to 2023ModerateCrucial
The biggest work committees who organize trips for their employees in Israel and abroad - When do you think they will start planning/ booking their employees' next big events or holidays?

Thank you for your answers.

The Survey results will be presented at the Conference


Restarting Economy. 


14 DECEMBER 2023 02 PM (GMT+2)

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