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Blue Skies

Cool Family Challenge

Terranova delivers exciting and innovative campaigns, premium events, influencer fam-trips, and high-profile marketing strategies for its clients. We stand for memorable and impactful exposure that elevates the brand, generates buzz and drives sales

In June 2023 Austrian National Tourist Office turned to us for the promotion of Austria as a summer holiday destination for families and to maintain and develop its competitiveness and visibility within the Israel tourism industry.

For Austria's Israeli representation office we developed an impactful series of marketing programs to grow the visibility of Austria as a family-oriented destination on the Israeli market. Our aim was to shift the Israeli common perception of Austria as a too-strict culture, add a sense of coolness and open it up for young families. Our diverse marketing reach included campaign promotion by Israel's largest cinema chain 'Family Cinemas' and print ads in magazines. We ensured maximum campaign impact among digital audiences and media with the Instagram challenge 'Jump in the water and post your entry video' for 'an 7-night trip to Austria with return flights.'

To maximize our reach and create a buzz in the digital realm and media, we launched the Instagram #coolfamilychallenge. This challenge urged Israeli families to spend their summer vacations in Austria. Participants were encouraged to creatively and humorously push one of their family members into a water source, capturing the moment on video, sharing it on their Instagram profiles while adding the hashtag and tagging our page.

The #coolfamilychallenge Winner was rewarded with an extraordinary 7-night trip to Tirol, including return flights. This immersive and engaging campaign not only garnered significant attention but also inspired families to explore Austria as an alluring and family-friendly holiday spot. We generated a significant impact on the travel trade and media by organizing a VIP event at the Austrian ambassador's residence. The event gathered prominent influencers and journalists and revolved around the exciting theme of a pool party. Terranova secured a range of sponsors to enhance the event and contribute to its success, including Israir Airlines and European Union patronage.



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